10 Yoga Poses for Kids: International Yoga day

Yoga is an ancient practice that has become increasingly popular in the modern age. It’s not just for adults! Yoga poses (also known as asanas) have been adapted for children and adults of all ages, with special attention paid to making them safe for kids. To celebrate International Yoga Day, here are 10 yoga poses that are perfect for kids of all fitness levels:


Sukhasana is a simple seated pose that’s great for beginners, and it also makes for a good starting point if you want to try yoga with your kids. It can help them relax and focus on their breathing, which is a skill that many children need as they learn how to manage stress. If your child has been having trouble sleeping or has been anxious or irritable lately, this pose may be just what they need to calm down and refocus their energy.”


Balasana (Child’s Pose): This is a resting pose that will help your little one to relax and unwind. To get into this pose, lay your child on his/her back and then gently lower him/her onto their knees. Once he/she is comfortable in this position, have them slowly bring their torso forward until it rests on top of the thighs with hands placed behind him/her at about shoulder-width apart. Then have the child rest his or her head on the floor and breathe deeply for several minutes while focusing on relaxing all muscles.

Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)

  • Lie on your stomach, with knees together, hands under shoulders and forehead resting on the floor.
  • Lift chest and legs off the floor simultaneously so that all your body weight is supported by wrists and elbows, keeping neck relaxed and straight. This pose stretches back muscles, waist and abdomen; massages kidneys; improves digestion and relieves fatigue.
  • Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute before lowering your body back down to the floor slowly without letting it rest completely flat on the ground at any time during this process as this could cause injury to your back muscles if not done properly! Inhale deeply through nose while lifting up into Cobra pose – exhale while coming out of Cobra pose onto all fours again with head between arms – repeat 5 times total before taking a few breaths between each set of 5 reps throughout class time period!

Rock-Star Pose (Pashchimottanasana)

Rock-Star Pose (Pashchimottanasana)

This is one of the most common yoga poses, but it can be difficult for kids to do. It’s best to practice this pose with a partner or adult who can help you get into the correct position. To do this pose:

  • Sit on your butt with your legs out in front of you. Bend forward, place your hands on the ground about shoulder width apart and straighten out your arms so that they are under your shoulders. Make sure that both knees are pointing up toward the ceiling and that both feet are flat on the ground.
  • Lean back slightly until you feel a good stretch in both legs and hips. If possible, try to hold onto something solid behind you, like a wall or doorway! This will help keep balance while you’re doing Rock-Star Pose!

Butterfly pose (Baddhakonsanasana)

Butterfly pose is a great pose for children to practice because it teaches them about their body and how to breathe. This pose will also help children stretch their muscles and get a good heart rate going, making it an excellent way to start off any yoga session.

To do this pose, sit on your mat with both legs out in front of you. Bend at the waist until you are able to grab your ankles or place your hands on your shins as shown above (this will act as a modification). Lift into butterfly by lifting one leg at a time and crossing it over the other leg so that they sit parallel with each other but still crossed together like a butterfly position. Now lower yourself down towards the floor using either your hands on top of each foot or by placing them behind each shin until they touch down lightly onto the floor (this will act as another modification). Hold this position for several breaths before switching sides with whichever leg was previously resting on top now being placed underneath instead and repeating once more if desired!

After holding this pose for several breaths, push back up into full standing Forward Fold by straightening out legs before folding forward again into Uttanasana Pose.

Tree Pose (Vrikshasana)

  • Stand with feet together and hands by your side.
  • Lift your left leg and place your left foot on the inside of your right leg, then bend your right knee and cross your right leg over to the other side, placing it parallel to the mat. Cross both ankles as you do so if possible (if not, just be sure that both legs are crossed).
  • Place one hand on each hip for balance and stability, then slowly begin stretching out into a straight line from head-to-toe with arms reaching overhead towards the sky!

Virabhadrasana (Warrior 1)

  • Inhale and raise your arms over your head, palms facing each other.
  • Exhale and bend forward, bringing your chest to your thighs, keeping spine in line with neck and head.
  • Hold for a few breaths; return to standing position on the next breath. Repeat on other side of body (step 2).


  • Inhale. Lift your arms up and over your head. Exhale, bend forward, bringing your hands to the floor in front of you on an inhale.
  • Keep a straight back during this pose, with the knees straight and feet together (if possible). If that’s not possible for your child, just do what he or she can do! It’ll still be helpful for them to maintain good posture and make sure their spine stays long from head to tailbone—that way they won’t feel like they’re sinking into their hips too much as they lower themselves down into bitilasana!
  • The best part about bitilasana is that it requires so little effort once you’ve mastered it: The trickiest part about any yoga pose is getting into position; once you’re there though? You’re good! So focus on getting there first thing before worrying too much about whether or not your child has perfect form at this point in time
  • Inhale, lift your chest and stretch your arms forward.
  • Exhale and bend your knees, lowering your hips. Keep the spine straight and the neck long. If you’re comfortable with it, you can lower the forehead to rest on the floor in front of you (this is called cow pose).


The mountain pose is a great one for beginners, as it can be done with minimal equipment and is relatively simple to learn.

Sit in Padmasana / Sukhasana, keeping the hands on their respective sides. Chest thrown well forward, keep the neck straight, the abdomen in normal contour, the chin drawn in and eyes focused on a single point straight ahead.

Resting Pose (Shavasana)

The final pose in a yoga session is called Shavasana. This is where you lie on your back and relax as much as possible. It allows your body to rest and also helps relieve stress, calm the mind and relaxes your muscles.

Shavasana means ‘corpse’ or ‘dead body’ in Sanskrit. The idea behind this name for the final position is that it will help you get into a deep state of relaxation – like a corpse lying still after death!


  • Relieves stress and tension from muscles around the face, head and neck; soothes overworked nerves in these areas
  • Makes it easier for you to fall asleep at night if insomnia has been an issue for you

Not all yoga or other exercise practices are appropriate or suitable for ever person. Yoga is not recommended for and is not safe for those with certain medical conditions. Always, in your particular case, consult your health care provider. Yoga is not a substitute for medical attention.

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