‘Doraemon’ is a popular manga and anime involving a robotic cat who travels back in time to help a young boy. Among Doraemon’s many tricks from the future is the ‘Anywhere Door’ which can be opened to transport people… well, anywhere. A VR take on this idea uses simple props to make a unique VR experience.
Bandai Namco’s ‘Project i Can‘ has made the Anywhere Door a (virtual) reality using the HTC Vive, Leap Motion, and a few simple props tracked with attached Vive controllers. The result is a compelling experience that turns the ordinary into the extraordinary. In the video heading this article you can get a glimpse of the Doraemon Anywhere Door experience which saw recent installations in out-of-home VR locations in Japan.
Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.youtube.com
Doraemon Anywhere Door experience shows that similar techniques can be applied even in a limited room-scale space with little more than some simple props and a heap of creative thinking.
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Kyrascope.com features one of India’s youngest Youtube star, little Kyra who reviews toys, candies, places and all things nice. Kyra’s channel is for kids, by a kid! Visit the site for ideas on how to keep your little one happy! It also features a kiddie blog written by eminent guest writers who have some great tips on child care and education. So don’t forget to check out Kyrascope.com to get creative with your kiddies.